



Researcher for traffic analysis and estimation

Munwu, NAM 1991, Male
Phone 열람신청
Email 열람신청
Address View
Seoul l Permanent Job l 40M~50M Won

Educational Background

2016.03 ~ 2018.02 Chungnam National University Graduate School(Master)
Traffic Science
2010.03 ~ 2016.02 Chungnam National University
Traffic Science

Professional Experience

2018.03 ~ 2020.12 National Traffic Institute | R&D, 사원
Design trafic map, EstimateTrafic needs
Big data analysis, Using stastsa program
Report legal issue


2014.04 TOEIC 850
2017.02 Driving License [National Traffic Institute]

Self Introduction

I studied traffic science and worked for 5years in this field.
I have lots of experience to estimate the traffic demand and simulate the traffic.
I'm looking for the job to develop my career at traffic science field.​

Desierd working conditions

Type of work Permanent Job
Location Seoul
Annual Salary 40M~50M Won
Job field R&D>연구소.R&D
회사소개| 개인정보처리방침| 회원약관| 고객센터| 제휴 및 광고문의| 이용안내| 서비스안내 |다이렉트결제
